Ask any mother, "what was the most amazing day of your life?"

I am positive the answer is... the birth of their child.


The miracle of birth is the most precious of all God's gifts. Those cute little fingers and toes... that tiny little yawn as they stretch. Absolutely beautiful! So many mothers I have spoke with say they wish they had a better photographic memory of the birth of their child other than the father snapping on his cell phone which was often too dark,  blurred, or completely forgotten in the joyful rush of the moment.

I am pleased to announce the addition of birth photography into my list of photographic services. Whether you are looking for just a newborn hospital session or Mom's entire journey through maternity, delivery and baby's first day new, I have several packages available starting at $225. Please contact me for more information and an in person consultation where I would be very happy to answer all your questions and concerns.